Ai Xin Learning Center
5409 Central Ave, Suite #1 | Newark, CA 94560 | 510.402.3454

About 爱心学习中心

办学宗旨 爱心耐心来照顾与培养学生,以诚心务实服务于家长。

教学活动 按年级分班授课,实行小班制。督促学生完成学校作业。 免费 学习珠心算,每日练习,提高运算能力。开设 Common Core 数学,加强应用题的解题能力。聘请公立学校 在职 英语老师开设英语写作课

每日进行 正规 中文教学,提高学生听,说,读,写能力。 提供才艺课程,包括绘画、象棋、 Guitar 等选修课

Daily Education : Daily tasks include: school homework support, abacus instruction, Chinese language and practice drills. We offer grade-level curricula, consisting of Common Core Standard : reading, writing, math and science for upper grades; and English grammar, logic, and fun-time math for primary grades. All English Classes are taught by a current, credentialed, public school teacher. Elective classes include drawing, chess, and guitar and more!

Our Staff

毛老师 Abacus teacher

李老师 Chinese teacher

Mr. Magers English teacher

教师介绍 / Introducing Our Teachers

毛老师Ms.Mao, Common Core Math and Abacus):北京大学理学博士,在北京大学任教10多年,在UC Berkeley和LBL作访问学者两年多。对于辅导新移民孩子如何尽快适应美国学校的学习生活具有丰富经验。负责爱心学习中心的Common Core数学和珠心算教学,辅导学生完成英文家庭作业。 Ms. Mao graduated from Peking University and then worked there for over 10 years. Ms. Mao will teach Common Core math and abacus at Ai Xin Learning Center.

李老师(Ms.Li, Chinese teacher):东北师范大学毕业,从事中学语文教育20多年。来美国后,继续在湾区的中文学校教中文多年,具有丰富的中文教学经验和班级管理经验。对孩子非常有爱心和耐心,教学严谨,方法灵活,深受学生尊敬和喜爱。李老师负责爱心学习中心的中文教学工作。 Ms.Li graduated from Northeast Normal University, and has been teaching Chinese in middle school for more than 20 years. Ms. Li will teach Chinese language at Ai Xin Learning Center.

English teacher Mr. Magers holds a multiple subject teaching credential and BA in history from California State University San Jose. He is currently a 4th grade teacher at Cabrillo Elementary School, in the Fremont Unified School District. Mr. Magers brings over 20 years of teaching experience to provide English language development instruction to second language learners .